The Christmas Tree…Faux or Real?
Most people have a pretty strong opinion about this subject and have a routine they do every year in regards to their Christmas tree. I grew up with a faux tree every year. I don’t ever remember getting a real tree. I didn’t grow up in a family that housed many live plants, so this makes sense. I married a man that grew up with a cut tree every year, so he and I began that tradition. We purchased a cut tree and even cut our own at a farm one year for many years, up until about 3 years ago. Then, I finally convinced my husband to try out a faux tree with the caveat that some years we would still get a real tree. Here’s what I’ve learned over the years about trees.
The case for a real cut Christmas tree
They smell amazing. Nothing beats the smell of fresh greenery. You can try to mimic it with sprays and such, but it’s not the same.
You can create a tradition out of going to get a tree. Whether it’s cutting your own tree at a farm or in the wilderness, it’s a once a year thing you can do as a family. Just don’t forget the hot chocolate!
There’s not much zhuzhing (zhuzh- to make something more lively and interesting, stylish, or appealing) to be done with a real tree. You may trim a little here and there to get a more uniform look or you may embrace the organic look of it not being perfect. With a faux tree, there’s lots of zhuzhing after an entire year of lying flat in the attic or basement. Yes, zhuzh my new favorite word!
Since you have to put the lights on the tree every year, it’s easier to test them and switch out lights over time. With a faux tree, it’s a real pain to replace the lights. I should know, a strand just went out on mine last night.
I mean you cannot deny that real is always better than faux when it comes to plants in general. It is natural beauty.
And now…the case for the faux tree
Finding the time to choose a real tree can get difficult for a busy family. You drag the kids to the tree lot, when they really couldn’t care less what tree the adults end up choosing. You spend a good amount of time looking and trying to pick the best one in your budget. Meanwhile the kids are bored and probably arguing.
You have to bring a real tree home and set it up, water it A LOT and clean up the trail of needles it leaves throughout your home.
Real trees start to get a little saggy and dry after a couple of weeks and sometimes ornaments fall off. Faux trees maintain their shape until it’s time to flatten it out again.
Faux trees are pretty easy to set up and there’s no clean up or maintenance. This one looks to be very full and realistic.
Real trees are expensive and getting pricier every year. A good faux tree is pricey too, but after a few years it’s paid for itself.
If you travel during the holidays, faux is the way to go. When I travel, I like to clean my house prior to leaving so that when I come home after at least one day of traveling and I’m tired I can come home to a fresh clean house. A real tree does not allow for that. If you leave your tree up while you are away, it will dry out and leave lots of needles which means more cleaning, not less.
Since my family has grown up, it’s easier for me to have a faux tree. And, I’m pretty sure my husband would agree that it is definitely less work to have a faux tree. I end up decorating by myself anymore since my kids are older, so the less labor intense choice is the once that makes me most happy.
Still need a tree? It’s not too late. These can be delivered in a few days at most. Need other holiday décor? Head over here for deals on wreaths, ornaments and other décor for the holidays.
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I am also adding this amazing deal on a Nearly Natural Norfolk Island Pine Tree. It is a 4’ tree, so take note but the Nearly Natural brand is great for “nearly natural” faux trees!
Put it in a basket like this one!